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My Blog

Welcome to my blog! As you can see, I like to write about technical things (mainly programming languages, compilers, & data vis). RSS

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Posts about programming languages and compilers

28 Dec 2023 - The Right Way To Pipe

18 Jul 2023 - Compiler Hacking Part 5: Building an LLVM Backend

11 Oct 2022 - Compiler Hacking Part 4: Building a WASM Backend

03 Sep 2022 - Scratching the PL Itch

22 May 2022 - Compiler Hacking Part 3: Building a CIL Backend

26 Aug 2021 - Compiler Hacking Part 2: Building a JVM Backend

23 Jul 2020 - Guide to Writing Polyglot Compiler Extensions

15 Jul 2020 - My Experience Working With Polyglot (Extensible Compiler Framework)

29 May 2020 - Compiler Hacking Part 1: Building a compiler frontend in Python

26 May 2019 - Reflections on Cornell's Undergrad Compilers Practicum (pt 2)

25 May 2019 - A Brief Explanation of Capture-Avoiding Substitution

19 Mar 2019 - Reflections on Cornell's Undergrad Compilers Practicum (pt 1)

Data Visualization/D3

Posts and tutorials about data visualization, usually with D3.js

26 Apr 2024 - Du Bois Challenge - Recreating Historical Data Viz in 2024 using D3.js

03 Oct 2023 - [Review] W.E.B Dubois's Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America

06 Aug 2023 - D3 Circular Bar Chart Tutorial

23 Mar 2023 - Tufte in D3

07 Aug 2022 - D3.js Resources: Tutorials, Tools, and References

26 Nov 2020 - Elevation Contour Plots With D3

07 May 2020 - Building a Dashboard using Vega - Tutorial

02 Jan 2020 - Recreating the 5 Years of Drought Visualization

25 Aug 2019 - Mapping San Francisco Building Ages Using D3

24 Aug 2019 - Mapmaking with D3: Tips and Common Pitfalls

01 Mar 2019 - D3 Spider Chart Tutorial


Posts and essays about other technical subjects that I'm interested in

29 Dec 2023 - 1 Year of Data Visualization Freelancing

27 Dec 2023 - Advent of Code 2023 in Rust

12 Jun 2023 - Reflections on Writing My First Book

27 Dec 2022 - Advent of Code 2022 in Erlang

14 Sep 2022 - ReScript Tutorial: Learn ReScript in Y Minutes

09 Jul 2021 - Rewriting a Project in ReScript

14 Nov 2020 - Flaws of Essay Autograders

19 Sep 2020 - Limitations of Language Models

02 May 2020 - Building a Course Recommender System

11 Nov 2019 - Scrutinizing Datasets

03 May 2019 - How MOSS Works

28 Feb 2019 - How Perceptrons Work


Simple recipes for my favorite foods, nothing fancy here. Take all the numbers with a grain of salt (heh) because I improvise a lot and everything is eyeballed.

Recipes marked with ⏱️ take 30 minutes or less to make.

Want more yummy recipes from someone who doesn't just wing it all the time? Check out Ryan Lu's blog.

24 Dec 2023 - [Recipe] Kelp and Soybean Soup

08 Dec 2023 - [Recipe] Rice Cooker Hainan Chicken ⏱️

07 Dec 2023 - [Recipe] Orzo and Vegetable Soup ⏱️

06 Dec 2023 - [Recipe] Shrimp Pasta ⏱️

05 Dec 2023 - [Recipe] Tomato Seaweed Soup ⏱️

20 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Yakisoba ⏱️

19 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Whole Chicken Soup

18 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Chicken Feet Soup

17 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Tofu Skin/Yuba Salad

16 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Winter Melon Soup

15 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Mung Bean Porridge

14 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Daikon Soup

13 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Corn, Carrots, and Pork Rib Soup

12 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Dried Vegetable and Almond Soup

11 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Water Chestnut Soup

10 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Egg Drop Soup ⏱️

09 Jul 2023 - [Recipe] Fish Bone Miso Soup

16 Jul 2020 - [Recipe] Impossible Bolognese

17 Apr 2020 - [Recipe] Pan-Fried Pork Chops

20 Nov 2019 - [Recipe] Mapo Tofu ⏱️

12 Nov 2019 - [Recipe] Pork Belly Noodles ⏱️

27 Oct 2019 - [Recipe] Beef Bulgogi

26 Oct 2019 - [Recipe] Tomato and Egg ⏱️


Anything that doesn't fit in the above categories

09 Dec 2023 - My Favorite Cafes

11 Jun 2023 - Bartender/Barista Media

17 Apr 2020 - Folsom Biking Trails

16 Jun 2019 - Review: Bose QC-35 vs Sony WH-1000xM2

14 Apr 2019 - A Week in Paris

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